Telling compelling stories, capturing imagination
I have worked with dozens of charities and nonprofits across Asia and Europe to help conceptualize and share their crucial work for a larger audience. Whether the audience is the public, donors, media, or government, photography is a vital way of connecting a project with an individual.

Below are sample of some of my work for local and international organizations. While the needs of every group are different, all ultimately aim to highlight their successes. It was a privilege to help draw attention to some of these incredibly worthy programs. If you think I can be of help to your organization, please feel free to message me for further information on how I can help you tell your stories.

To see how I have worked with NGO's there are a series of case studies in the main menu or you can follow the links directly from here

  • UN Women                                    
  • Royal British Legion      
  • World Food Program                                                                                                 
  • ActionAid                 
  • DCA                            
  • Care-international                                                                                                           
  • New Economic Foundation
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